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Healthcare Marketing Writing

Digital Mail and Direct Marketing Copywriting

Scales, B&W.
Megaphone, B&W.
Heart with cross in it, B&W.

For this client, a nonprofit organization that provides healthcare services to residents throughout New York City regardless of income, insurance, or immigration status, I served as the lead copywriter, delivering copy for the client's Giving Tuesday and Year-End digital and direct mail campaigns.


Because the organization's fundraising efforts centered on patient stories, my goal was to approach every project with sensitivity to each individual's experience. In addition to centering patient experience, I grounded each effort in data about factors that unjustly contribute to inadequate access to health care in the United States, such as racism, poverty, gender, and immigration status.


Finally, each campaign effort highlighted the client's offerings, such as its pharmacy, youth summer camp, nutritional education program for adults, and free citywide transportation services.

As the lead writer for this client, I delivered:

Audience-segmented Campaigns

Banner Copy

Brochure Copy

Donation Page Copy

Digital Membership Campaigns

Giving Tuesday Digital Campaign

Landing Page Copy

Lightbox Copy

Political Direct Mail Campaigns

Reply Form Copy

Social Media Campaigns

Tagline Copy

Thank You Emails

Year-End Digital Campaign

Result: By emphasizing each patient's perspective and highlighting current data about immigration, wealth inequality, and homelessness in New York City and across the U.S., I delivered copy that clearly delineated not only the services the donor would be augmenting, but also, the people they would be supporting—and how—by investing in the client's work.

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Cutout of four people, B&W.
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